Yeah.. its been a while. Lots to do and lots being done.
I actually have three updates, dating back to last friday, tuesday, and today, that need to have their drawings inked and then scanned into the computer... but no time!!!!
Sorry about the lack of updates. Sunday night should equal about 8 pages of updating goodness. (Yes! EIGHT!)
See you then.
(Casting call this weekend, got about 45 actors coming in. Should be fun, eh?)
Also, on a side note, anyone from teh New York area? I've been location scouting for a scene in my thesis film project and I need an alley to film in. Im open to locations in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Nassau County. Any insite would be great. Its gotta be wide enough that I can actually set up cameras in, safe enough where I aint gonna get jumped for being there, and somewhere I can actually get permission to shoot. If any of you know a place, let me know. I'd be indebted to you forever!*
(*Within reason.)