Life is falling to pieces: an illustrated journal
Life tends to suck if you let it. An illustrated journal about the way I've totally screwed up my life and (hopefully) how I'm going to get myself out of it.
Entry #17 Career pressure or Peer pressure?
Entry #16 Sandman sand is hallucinogenic
Entry #15 Old familiar patterns of neglect
Entry #13 Endlessly Waiting
Entry #12 Set goals the fun way: with violence! :D
Entry #11 Everything's broke. Financially and otherwise.
Entry #9 Writing on a train is bad for penmenship
Entry #7 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...... (a sigh, not a scream)
Entry #6 Hold your breath
Entry #4 Self evaluation sucks.
Entry #3 A Slap in the Face! Just rub it in, why don't you.
Entry #2 Needless to say, it was a bad day.
Entry #1 Am I fooling myself into thinking this will work?